The visual aspects of my project are to be set in various outdoor locations (to comply with local restrictions). For this, I aim to shoot in locations across Rochester as well as a private garden. These locations will host the set to the moving and still image aspects of the project. Below are the proposed locations found through google maps, which I will also explore in person in a series of scouting imagery.
Castle Hill, Rochester (1)
Minor Canon Row, Rochester (1)
Common Creek Wharf, Rochester (1)
The top contenders to be selected as a set location are the top two, Castle Hill and Minor Canon Row, as they are both share similar aesthetics to one another, sporting the old fashioned buildings and roads that are typical to Rochester.
The problem with the third location, Common Creek Wharf, is that it is a newly built area so has a modern aesthetic to it, with freshly paved streets and clean buildings. This would not match the visual appearance of the other two and is therefore going to be ruled out.
These locations within Rochester will be the main areas for my photoshoot section, as well as the short clips. The moving image section of the project will be shot in a private garden which, at the time of writing this, is now legal according to the latest government covid restrictions (2).
(1) Google Maps (2021) Google Maps At: (Accessed 27/03/2021)
(2) Cabinet Office (2021) Covid-19 Response - Spring 2021 (Summary) At: (Accessed 29/03/21)