With my project proposal submission complete, the project plan is set and ready to go.
The title I have decided on is
" Your New Normal - Spring / Summer '21 "
This title is playing on the recently thrown-around term "New Normal" which describes the lifestyle people must get used to living post-covid. Being a fashion campaign, the title aims its message towards the audience in a comedic way, promoting clothing that was popular during the stay at home era and suggesting that this is the way forward.
The project idea is to incorporate a range of ideas to create 3 individual yet combined products. This includes:
- a photoshoot, with print and digital promotional imagery
- a short film which will be the centrepiece of the project
- short clips and videos that would typically be found on social media. These clips will link the photographic aspects with the short film, all in all creating a combined narrative.
The products are set out in 3 sections, each to be produced in their own individual weeks, based on government guidance and covid restrictions (1). This was a notable hurdle that I had to overcome in the planning stages as it prevented me from working in certain locations or with people outside of my household. At one point, this factor changed the location ideas for the short film, which required a rethink of the shoot.
My next steps are to begin detailed planning of the content I intend to produce, as well as continuously reflecting back on the relevant research for evaluation purposes.
(1) Cabinet Office (2021) Covid-19 Response - Spring 2021 (Summary) At: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-response-spring-2021/covid-19-response-spring-2021-summary (Accessed 22/03/21)